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Ebook Intimate Bridges in now online
The ebook “Intimate Bridges – Towards an Intercultural Participatory Model in Performing Arts” is now available for free. The ebook includes: – several academic articles

International seminar in Athens
Organized by Theatro Entropia, the International Conference on Participatory Performing Arts, took place on 14th September, at the wonderful space of TECHNOPOLIS, in Athens. The

Ηow a Place becomes a Person goes on stage in Greece
Marilli Mastrantoni / ENTROPIA Ensemble present the Performance ”How a Place becomes a Person…” between 17th and 20th of June 2021 at COMMUNITISM Cultural Centre

Reviews by portuguese storytellers
Renovar a Mouraria worked with 3 portuguese young storytellers, under the guidance of Carla Costa and support of Riccardo Corcione, who observed our rehearsals and

Intimate Bridges meet online
The third international meeting with all partners, foreseen to happen in Lisbon, occurred online due to Covid restrictions, from 8th to 9th of April. One of the

Webinar Best practices in the inclusion of migrants through arts
Promoted by Renovar a Mouraria, speakers from Austria, Greece, Italy and Portugal sit down together for a special webinar that aims to share inspirational best

Online international meeting
The second international meeting with all partners, foreseen to happen in Vienna, occurred online due to Covid restrictions, from 25th to 26th of November. One

Online concert of songs from around the world
Associação Renovar a Mouraria presents, on November 16th, International Day for Tolerance, on its facebook page, at 19h, an online concert made on songs from

Documentary with women in Portugal
From the community performance held at Bairro em Festa Festival, a documentary is being made, resulting from an alliance between Carla Costa, Portuguese producer and

Residence and Performances in Vienna
The production of the performance “Wo ist die Sonne im Westen?” has been completed. A total of 5 shows were realized in the begining of

From workshops to productions in Italy
The italian production is taking a long time to be completed because we feel invested by the responsibility to make the best use of the

Literary magazine at Feira do Livro de Lisboa
Within the scope of the launch of the bilingual literary magazine “Mundos daqui e além mar”, conceived by Carla Costa and gathering 38 texts chosen

Dance and theatre for “superdiverse” groups in Italy
In Italy, the three workshops organized by Residenza Idra had been lead by different artists – two directors and actors and one dancer/actress – and

Performance in Festival Bairro em Festa
The portuguese participatory performance “Histórias daqui e além mar”, by Carla Costa, will be presented on stage once again, this time at Festival Bairro em

Performance Histórias daqui e além mar
Within the scope of a collection of stories and music from around the world developed by Carla Costa from Associação Renovar a Mouraria, with the

Artistic Residence in Mouraria
Associação Renovar a Mouraria developed its Artistic Residency from July 6th to 17th, produced and led by Carla Costa, with the participation of 11 migrants

Batucaria Lyric-Manifesto
After an online creative writting session, facilitated by Carla Costa, Batucaria has now it’s lyric manifesto. Sing with us!

How a place becomes a person…in Greece
The workshops “How a place becomes a person…” brought together 40 migrant and non-migrant adults currently residing in Athens, aged between 18 and 69, from 10 countries

Different worlds in Italy
Italian workshops, focusing on how theater can give voice to the stories of people from different “worlds”, involved 30 people from 7 different nationalities, mainly

Faces & Stories in Austria
Theatre workshop series for girls and women will start by 1st of July, offering a stage for women who have something to tell and wish

Music and stories from around the world in Portugal
Joy and communion were the pervasive ingredients of Batucaria workshops in Portugal, focusing exploration of sounds, instrumental and body percussion, voice and lyrics. These reunited

Batucaria goes online
A new strategy for the workshops done under the scope of Batucaria Orchestra have been set due to COVID-19, and since March 28th, Renovar a

Intimate Bridges manifesto about covid-19
Humanity is currently facing a public health issue that does not discriminate gender, nationality and age. The covid-19 pandemic is challenging our creativity on how

Creative Writing sets the beginning of workshops in Austria
The date for the first Creative Writing workshop session in Vienna is on the 14th & 15th of March. Stand 129 will organize three writing-workshops

Entropia seeks participants for theatre workshops
Entropia Theater Company invites migrant and non-migrant people to meet and genuinely connect to each other within an intimate space for exchanges, memory transfer and

Residenza IDRA launches open call for theatre workshops
Residenza IDRA is looking for migrant and non–migrant young adults under 25 to participate in three theatre workshops starting in February 2020. The three workshops

Batucaria Orchestra launches open call for a musical journey
Renovar a Mouraria is seeking for migrant and non-migrant children and adults, from 8 to 80, to integrate a unique orchestra of percussion, sound exploration

Intimate Bridges partners meet in Brescia
From 19 to 21 November, it was held in Brescia, Italy, the kick-off meeting of the European project “Intimate Bridges” which advocates performing art as