
IDRA – Independent Drama is a place, an idea and a way of producing, organizing and promoting contemporary performing art. IDRA is a multidisciplinary Residence that aims to combine different approaches to find always new ways of creation in the name of independent production culture.
IDRA has two areas of concern: the creation and organization of events rooted on unique art projects. Since 1998, its activity has grown exponentially thanks to the cooperation with regional, national and international theaters and authorities, bringing to the fore emerging young artists. As such, events and initiatives such as Wonderland Festival, Circuit City Sweets, NDN, Project CARE Award and AL Petroni have acquired a transnational repercussion keeping, nonetheless, strong local roots. IDRA also actively participated in various networks such CRESCO, ETRE and TEH.
IDRA is supported by the European Community (Creative Europe), Ministry of Heritage and Culture and Tourism, the Lombardy Region, the Municipality of Brescia, Fondazione Cariplo Foundation ASM – A2A, the Community Foundation of Brescia and by around 1000 members.

Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien
The Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien is a non-profit organization aiming to relieve the distress of people and provide social services. The organization is operating a wide range of activities, namely retirement care, facilities for the handicapped, social assistance, houseless aid, foreign aid, refugee and migrant’s relief.
Since 2007, Caritas Wien sets up Community Arts projects. Stand 129 is one of these institutions that focus on Community Art and is placed on a market site in Vienna’s 10th district. The target group are people in distress, regardless of religion, political attitude and ethnic group.
The main target of Stand 129 is to build bridges between different (migrant) communities, autochthonous Viennese inhabitants and newcomers with the help of art and culture.

Entropia is a non-profit cultural company that presents and produces theatre, live art, interdisciplinary and multimedia performances, promoting the creative dialogue amongst different art disciplines, the pioneering approaches in form and content, and the exchanges between Greece and the contemporary international Performing Arts scene.
It produces and manages various activities (cultural events, platforms, exhibitions), facilitates residencies and conferences, initiates and organizes campaigns and meetings with a significant impact on our sector and communities, educates young performance artists through seminars and workshops, curates multidisciplinary festivals, and develops international collaborations and projects exploring current socio-political issues and the urban environment.
ENTROPIA has been supported by the Greek Ministry of Culture, the European Cultural Foundation, the Ministry of Culture and Education of Cyprus and various cultural institutions nationally and internationally, as well as been sponsored by the private sector. The Company is a member of various international Performing Arts Networks (IETM, TEH, PSi, Magdalena Project, a.o.).

Associação Renovar a Mouraria
Renovar a Mouraria was created in 2008 aiming to revitalize the historical neighbourhood of Mouraria, right in the city centre of Lisbon, which hosts more than 50 nationalities and boasts unique richness and unparalleled cultural and ethnic mingling.
The Association promotes a wide array of activities with the major goal to strengthen the social inclusion of various communities by fostering different services, cultural interaction and mutual support. Some of its leading community development projects are portuguese as a foreign language classes for immigrants, literacy education, study support for children and youngsters and legal support services.
In addition, Mouraria organises a rich cultural programme in which it seeks to promote local artists, provide free access to culture and attract new publics. The scope of activity goes much beyond our walls with projects such as the community newspaper Rosa Maria, Migrantour tours and workshops in schools with immigrants and refugee, Batucaria Orchestra or Migrants’ Encyclopedia.
Our local co-financier of this project is Câmara Municipal de Lisboa.

Prospettive Teatrali
Prospettive Teatrali is a cultural association active in the performing arts studies and criticism.
The Association is specialized in audience development projects and in strategies for the dissemination of theatrical culture. Its aim is to enhancing the knowledge and the dialogue between the different realities that make up the complex panorama of the theater, through cultural and educational activities and through the development of short and medium term projects.
In collaboration wjth theatres and institutions, the associations designs and coordinates workshops on criticism, writing, and viewing about theatre, conceived for different targets (in particular young spectators, 14-25 years old). The association was born following the foundation of the magazine of theatre studies STRATAGEMMI Prospettive Teatrali (connected with various Italian Universities) and of the webzine, which are the main media for the dissemination of the association’s activities.