Performance Histórias daqui e além mar

Within the scope of a collection of stories and music from around the world developed by Carla Costa from Associação Renovar a Mouraria, with the contribution of 31 migrants and non-migrants, of 23 different nationalities, “Histórias daqui e além mar” was born after an artistic residency developed from July 6th – 17th. The performances, with Carla’s production and artistic direction, took place on July 18th and 19th, incorporating also another performance by Orchestra Batucaria, with Frederico Furtado.

The performance explored the idea of human and geographical boundaries, the musicality of mother tongues and non-verbal expression as forms of relationship, understanding and learning in an intercultural world.

The event started at Casa da Achada, crossed the heart of Mouraria – one of the most multicultural neighborhoods in Lisbon, with over 50 nationalities – and ended at the Associação Renovar a Mouraria.