Intimate Bridges
Intimate Bridges
is a European project that stands for the transformative power of art in education for a better intercultural dialogue between immigrants, refugees and local population.
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Residenza I.dra
I.DRA is a multidisciplinary Residence that aims to combine different approaches to find always new ways of creation in the name of independent production culture.

Caritas der Erzdiözese Wien
The organization is operating a wide range of activities, namely retirement care, facilities for the handicapped, social assistance, houseless aid, foreign aid, refugee and migrant’s relief.

Cultural company that presents and produces theatre, live art, interdisciplinary and multimedia performances, promoting the creative dialogue amongst different art disciplines.

Associação Renovar a Mouraria
Created in 2008, Renovar a Mouraria aims to revitalize the historical neighbourhood of Mouraria, right in the city centre of Lisbon, which hosts more than 50 nationalities.

Prospettive Teatrali
The Association is specialized in audience development projects and in strategies for the dissemination of theatrical culture.
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Ebook Intimate Bridges in now online
The ebook “Intimate Bridges – Towards an Intercultural Participatory Model in Performing Arts” is now available for free. The ebook includes: – several academic articles

International seminar in Athens
Organized by Theatro Entropia, the International Conference on Participatory Performing Arts, took place on 14th September, at the wonderful space of TECHNOPOLIS, in Athens. The

Ηow a Place becomes a Person goes on stage in Greece
Marilli Mastrantoni / ENTROPIA Ensemble present the Performance ”How a Place becomes a Person…” between 17th and 20th of June 2021 at COMMUNITISM Cultural Centre

Reviews by portuguese storytellers
Renovar a Mouraria worked with 3 portuguese young storytellers, under the guidance of Carla Costa and support of Riccardo Corcione, who observed our rehearsals and

Intimate Bridges meet online
The third international meeting with all partners, foreseen to happen in Lisbon, occurred online due to Covid restrictions, from 8th to 9th of April. One of the

Webinar Best practices in the inclusion of migrants through arts
Promoted by Renovar a Mouraria, speakers from Austria, Greece, Italy and Portugal sit down together for a special webinar that aims to share inspirational best